Fasilitas Kuliah

Ruang Kuliah multimedia

Lab. Analisis Perancangan Kerja

Lab. Sistem dan Proses Produksi

Lab. Komputasi dan Optimasi

Studio Gambar Teknik

Lab. Komputer

Mitra Kerjasama dalam Kurikulum dan Praktek Mahasiswa
  • Art Graphic
  • Badan Narkotika Provinsi DKI Jakarta
  • Ben WILSON
  • Deperindag
  • Gakken Co., Ltd
  • Pengembang dan pengelola MGK
  • PMI
  • Polda Metro Jaya
  • PT Desain Teknik ADPI Jakarta
  • PT Rovindo Sukses Pratama
  • PT. Arga Bangun Bangsa
  • PT. Dharma Polimetal,
  • PT. Hargan Tri Megah
  • PT. Joey Sasmita Lencana
  • PT. Multi Alas Sukses
  • PT. Pratama Abadi Industri
  • Pusat Desain Nasional
  • SAP University Alliance Program
Perpustakaan Program Studi Teknik Industri

Buku Teks
Aplikasi Pembuatan Gambar Teknik Dengan Auto CAD 2005; Alamul Huda,  M2S, 2005
Calculus With Application, 7 th edition, Lia Geemweell Rithey, Addison Wesley, 2001
Control System Design and Simulation; Jack Golten, McGraw-Hill, 1991
Engineering Economic, 10th, Prentice Hall International, 1991
Experimental Methods for Engineers; J.P.Holman,     McGraw-Hill, 1989
Facilities Planning, 2nd, James A. Tompkins et al, John Willey and Son, 1999
Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing, Groover Mikell, Prentice Hall, 2000
Integrated Production Control System : Management Analysis & Design, John Willey & Sons, 1987
Introduction to Industrial and System Engineering, 3 nd ed, Prentice Hall, 1999
Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, 5ed, Montgomery C. Dauglas, 2005
Manufacturing planning and control for supplay chain management, Thomas E. Vollman, 2005
Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP II) with introduction to ERP, SCM and CRM, Khalid Sheikh, Mc Graw Hill, 2002
Methods, Standards and Work Design, Nibel Benjamin and Andris Freivalds, Mc Graw Hill Companies, 2003
Operation Management, 7th edition, Rander and Heizer Prentice Hall, 2005
Operation Research : An Introduction, 7 ed, Hamdy ATaha, Maxwell Macmillan International, 2004
Pengantar Teknik & Manajemen Industri, Wignjosoebroto Sritomo, Guna Widya, 2003
Principles od Computer – Aided design and manufacturing, Amirouche, 2ed, Prentice Hall inc, 2004
Productivity Measurement and Improvement, Aft Lawrence,  Prentice Hall, 1992

Jurnal Ilmiah Nasional
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Industri, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta,  2004 - 2006
Jurnal Jati Undip, Universitas Diponegoro, 2007
Jurnal Ilmiah Untag Jakarta; Universitas Taruma Negara, 2000
Jurnal Inovisi; Jurusan Teknik Industri , Universitas Indonusa Esa Unggul, Vol 1 dan.2, 2004, 2005, 2006
Jurnal Itenas, Institut Teknologi Nasional , 2004-2005
Jurnal Mesin, Universitas Trisakti ,  2004 - 2007
Jurnal Optima, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, 2004 - 2006
Jurnal Teknik Industri , Universitas Trisakti”; 2004 -2006
Jurnal teknik Industri, Universitas Kristen Petra , 2003 - 2006
Jurnal Teknologi; Universitas Indonesia, ,  2003 - 2004

Jurnal Ilmiah Internasional
IIE Transactions,  1999 – 2006
Production and Inventory Management,  2000 – 2006
Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology, 2007
Harvard Business Review”; Cargill, 2006

E- Journal
Engineering Economict, Sep 22, 1991 – Current, Institute of Industrial Engineers, Inc. (IIE)
Computer-Aided Engineering , Jan 1, 1999 - Nov 1, 2001, Penton Media, Inc.
Industrial Engineer , Jan 1, 2003 – Current, Institute of Industrial Engineers, Inc. (IIE)
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management , Jan 1, 1999 – Current,  Institute for Operations Research .
Mathematical Probleems in Enginering  Nov 8, 2005 – Current, Hindawi Publishing Corp
Product Design & Development , Mar 1, 2000 – Current, Advantage Business Media

Analisis keandalan thermostat kulkas 2 pintu tipe GR 212 PT. LG Electronics Indonesia Mita Wulandari, 2005
Analisis Pengembangan Produk Room Air Conditioner Type Ls-B0966CN Dengan Menggunakan Metode QFD pada LG Electronic Indonesia,Dita Martadinata
Kajian Kelayakan Alternatif Pasokan Taper Lock Pada Kajian Kelayakan Alternatif pasokan Taper Lock pada Extrusion Blow Mold di PT. Dynaplast Tbk”; Thomas Didik Priyono, 2006
Penerapan 5S pada CV. Master computer untuk meningkatkan produktivitas kerja; Agus Mahardika, 2006.
Pengukuran inovasi organisasi dari sisi persepsi karyawan dengan studi kasus : PT. Panasonic electric works Gobel manufacturing Indonesia”, Putri Handayani, 2006
Pengukuran Nilai Overall Equipment Effectiveness Pada Departemen Weaving di PT Indonesian Synthetic Textile Mills, Ajie Perdana, 2007
Perhitungan Kebutuhan Luas Area Gudang pada PT.  Marubeni Indonesia”; Ericca Yonita, 2006
Usulan Pengurangan Waktu Setup untuk Pergantian Dies dengan Menggunakan Metode SMED di PT Beton Perkasa Wicaksana, Yuckie Perdana Kusuma, 2007
Usulan peningkatan kualitas produksi dan minimasi cacat dengan menggunakan metode six sigma di PT. Infoil pradanasakti, tangerang, Donny Gautama, 2006
Usulan Perabaikan Kualitas Dengan Metode Taguchi Untuk Meminimasi Jumlah Cacat Produk di PD Bintang Timur, Linda, 2007
Usulan Perbaikan Lantai Produksi di PT Bandatama Dwijaya Putra,  P Fajar Wicaksono, 2007
Usulan perbaikan system kerja dan lingkungan kerja pada bagian packing di PT.Duta prima plasindo pasar Kemis- Tangerang; Firmansyah,      2005


An Iterative Beam Search Algorithm for Degenerate Primer Selection - Master's Thesis, Souvenir, Richard, December 2003
Concurrently Designing a Physical Production System and an Information ystem in a Manufacturing Setting , James Alexander Scott Katzen,1996
Decision Elements in the design of a Consumer  electronics Assebility Plant , Thomas M. Furey,1999
Design and Implementation of Cellular  Manufacturing in a Job Shop Environent, Liana María Alvarez López,1977
Optimizing Safety Stock Placement in General Network Supply Chains,  Ekaterina Lesnaia,2004
Pengembangan Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Multi -  Stage dengan Multy –Kreteria Untuk Pemilihan Portofolio Proyek Pengembangan Produk,Yogi Yusup Wibisono ,2006
Performance Evaluation and Optimization Models for Processing Networks with Queue-Dependent Production Quantities, John S.   Hollywood,1996
Reliability Models and Analysis of The   Computing Systems, YUAN-SHUN DAI,2003
Supply Chain design :Capacity,Flexibility  and   Wholesale Price Strategies,  Brian T. Tomlin,1992
The Design of Maintenance Scorecard and Application of Analytical Hierarchy Process Method in Determining the Weight of Key Perfomance Indicator, 2007

Creating Emotions and Facial Expressions for Enbodied  Agents, The Duy Bui ,1978
Ellements of Agility in Manufacturing , GREGORY CARYLEE CAUSEY ,1999
Fuzzy Modeling for Multicriteria Decision Making Under Uncertainty, WANG WEI ,2003
Genetik Algorithm for Approace for Reorder Cycle Time Determinan in Multi- Stage Systems, Heidi Lizabeth Romero encarnacion ,2003
Inventory Control for High Technology Caital Capital Equipment Firms, Hari Shreeram Abhyankar,1992
Study Tentang Kesesuaian Implementasi Prinsip- Prinsip Total Quality Management (TQM ) pada Industri Kecil dengan Strategi Pengambilan Pembinaan Pengembangan Industri Kecil di Indonesia, Lien Herliani Kususmah .2006 
Theoritical and Experimental Analyses of  Solicication Temperature and Hydrodynamic Lubrication in Continuous Casting Process”Barman Tambunan, RMIT University, 2005